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New Year, New Look

So its not very original. Probably was a New Year's resolution of the hooman's but over the last few weeks we have completely overhauled the website.

Don't worry, our treaties are still the same. I stand by our treats, having sampled many many many batches (some that I was not supposed to, but I digress).

A change is as good as a holiday right?!? Anyhoo. the hooman has spent her holiday recreating our website, combining her two passions: 1. US and making us delicious treaties and 2. taking photos of us in her photography studio. Fast forward the last few weeks and here we are. New website. New product images.

Archie put in some hours editing the website and checking that everything works, while I spent many hours being forced to eat peanut butter (oh it is a hard life) for the hooman's new portfolio; Peanut Butter Stories. Defo worth a look if you like having a giggle and doggo tongues.

We hope you enjoy navigating your way around and checking out the photography portfolios that mainly feature yours truly, and sometimes Archie.

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