It's that time of year again, the shops are jam packed with festive joy, there's a tree inside the house, the hooman is armed with her camera and I have to spend countless hours posing in the studio.

I call this one "90's mall aesthetic crossed with Zoolander" IFYKY
I know I complain a lot but in reality I do enjoy my time in the studio with the hooman, I mean she does know how to capture my good side (which is both sides thank you very much!)
There was a point to all of this waffling, and that is the hooman is launching two mini sessions this Christmas so that your woofer can also get the inner Zoolander out. Check out our bookings or instagram for all the deets (yes I was raised by a millennial who tries to keep up with the youngesters, abso-lute cringe)
xx Finn (Duck, Goose, Ginny and any other name the hooman throws out there)